Local Clinic FAQs

Below are answers to the most common questions we receive about the waitlist process. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us at info@socalvbc.com.

1. How does the waitlist work?

Our waitlist operates on a first-come, first-served basis. When a spot becomes available, we’ll notify the next person on the list via email with instructions on how to register.

2. How will I know if I get off the waitlist?

You will receive an email from us if a spot opens up for your child. 

3. Can I check my place on the waitlist?

We currently don’t provide updates on individual positions on the waitlist. Rest assured, we’ll contact you as soon as a spot becomes available.

4. Are waitlists still open for Local Clinics?

No, the waitlists for our Local Clinics are now closed as they have reached full capacity.

5. How can I remove my child from the waitlist?

If you no longer wish to remain on the waitlist, email us at info@socalvbc.com with your child’s name and the clinic they were waitlisted for.

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